Star hustler stargazing
and the 511 Events calendar present :
Comets coming to night
skies at end of March 2013
Star Hustler celestial calendar of events will
be filling up this month with naked eye comets coming to the northern hemi about the Ides of March. This is one of two –
so far…
Space Weather News for March NAKED-EYE COMET: Comet Pan-STARRS (C/2011 L4) is now inside
the orbit of Mercury and it is brightening as it approaches the sun. Observers in the southern hemisphere say the comet can
be seen with the naked eye even through city lights. Currently, it is about as bright as the stars of the Big Dipper (magnitude
+2 to +3). The comet could become even brighter when it moves into northern hemisphere skies in the second week of March.
Check for current images and updates.
--Old Stuff --
Location: just look up after 7pm
Star hustler sez: The Geminid Meteor shower peak actually occurred this afternoon by USA time, but there are still plenty to see.. There
are so many that there is viewing after 7pm and not after midnight or after 2am
as many are listed.
Since this debris is from an asteroid and not
a comet as most showers are there is the chance of bolides. Or fireballs as they are named. These can occur during the day
as well. Loud and memorable! A couple of years ago a stadium full of people saw some at a sports event that was also caught
on video
-------------------- .
Space Weather News for Dec. 13, 2012
is passing through a stream of debris from "rock comet" 3200 Phaethon, source of the annual Geminid meteor shower. Around
the world, observers are counting as many as 60 shooting stars per hour, a number which could increase sharply as the shower
peaks on the night of Dec. 13-14. Wherever you live, the best time to look is during the dark hours between local midnight
and sunrise. Visit for sky maps, photos, and updates.
CHRISTMAS GIFT: Backyard astronomy and space weather alerts make a unique Christmas gift, and they help support
Gift subscriptions are available at (text) and
Digital Days
The year 2012 is the declaration of Digital Days! This especially applies to the 1sth, 10th and the 11th days, as well
as the months of October, November and January -- the 11th and 1st months.
How do we celebrate Digital Days? Teaching is always a good way. There are people are around
us who could use your help as a member of the Digerati. Tell them about the free services at community libraries.
A 70 year old man is about to take his first steps into the digital world after conversing
with some from the Netaper. He wasn't aware of the free services at the Capitol Library near where he takes his walks.
He also may act on the low-cost refurbished computers for sale at the main store of Milwaukee
PC Computer store on 108th and Cold Spring drive ($129 for desktops, $229 for laptops).
ASTRONOMY from the Star Hustler - Summer Solstice
On the Summer Solstice the Gizeh Plateau
pyramids of N'East Africa. the noonday sun lights up the north face of the Khufu's, or Great Pyramid, the only time it can
do so. See my Egypt trip photos – and a “reenactment” of how they had the Sun poised on the pyramid’s
tip – at
Star Hustler
Reports: Space Weather News Earth is entering a stream of debris from Halley's Comet, source of the annual eta Aquarid meteor shower.
The shower peaks this weekend on May 5th and 6th. Glare from a perigee full Moon--a "Super Moon"--will interfere with
the display. Nevertheless, observers especially in the southern hemisphere could still see dozens of meteors during
the hours before local sunrise on May 6th. More information about the shower and live audio from a meteor radar may
be found on
Also visit
: :
The Moon
is full at 10:35 p.m. CDT. After tonight the Moon will loop around toward the Sun, crossing directly between Earth and Sun
on May 20 and creating an annular solar eclipse across parts of the western U.S., and a partial eclipse for most of the rest
of the country
The year 2012 is
the declaration of Digital Days! This especially applies to the 1sth, 10th and the 11th days, as well as the months of October,
November and January -- the 10th,11th and 1st months.
How do we celebrate
Digital Days? Teaching is always a good way. There are people are around us who could use your help as a member of the Digerati.
Tell them about the free services at community libraries.
A 70 year old man
is about to take his first steps into the digital world after conversing with some from the Netaper. He wasn't aware of the
free services at the Capitol Library near where he takes his walks.
He also may
act on the low-cost refurbished computers for sale at the main store of Milwaukee PC Computer store on 108th and Cold Spring
drive ($129 for desktops, $229 for laptops).